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Read my blog.
I know things.

Laura Flynn Endres
Oct 12, 20203 min read
Break the Rules to Get Ahead
If rules work, why do we so often lose our muster and fall off the wagon? Trainers tell you to find your 'why' - but that's too "meh" for me

Laura Flynn Endres
Jul 14, 20205 min read
What Workouts are Best for Losing Weight?
When we say we want to lose weight, we mostly mean we want to lose fat. We first need to understand how our bodies use and store fat.

Laura Flynn Endres
Mar 4, 20205 min read
Should You Exercise When You're Stressed Out?
I knew it was bad when I found myself thinking, "I hate people."
I don't hate people. My cup was overflowing, that’s all. So I tapped out.
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