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Read my blog.
I know things.

Laura Flynn Endres
Nov 21, 20245 min read
Read Labels to Level Up
Food manufacturers turn into tricksters when it comes to calories and serving size. You might see 300 calories marked in bold, but this is

Laura Flynn Endres
Apr 28, 20234 min read
What's the Big Deal about Sugar
In the ongoing debate about carbs and sugar, the difference between carb sources matters - ala broccoli vs ice cream.

Laura Flynn Endres
Apr 2, 20233 min read
Can You Lose Weight in Certain Areas of the Body?
Your underarm hang. Your love handles. Your belly. We all have areas where we carry excess fat and we struggle to lose it. Let's discuss!

Laura Flynn Endres
Nov 24, 20214 min read
It's the Holidays! Bring on the Calories!
It’s normal to worry that we'll gain weight over the holidays. But not so fast... here's the truth about overindulgence and weight gain!

Laura Flynn Endres
Nov 17, 20202 min read
5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
The more efficient your metabolism, the more calories your body
will burn per day! If weight loss is a goal, this is especially important.

Laura Flynn Endres
Oct 14, 20204 min read
My Top Three Strategies for Losing Weight
The best weight control strategy for my clients isn't tracking calories. It's these two things instead....

Laura Flynn Endres
Aug 31, 20202 min read
What to Eat Before & After Your Workouts
Avoid reward foods post-workout. You know the ones I mean... the things you think you earned by working out. That's not how it works.

Laura Flynn Endres
Aug 28, 20205 min read
3 Hush-Hush Benefits of Eating Clean (Spoiler: It’s About Farts)
If taking your fitness to the next level isn’t enough motivation to clean up your diet, maybe these unusual benefits will be

Laura Flynn Endres
Aug 28, 20204 min read
23 Nutrimeal Shake Recipes!
A USANA Nutrimeal protein shake is a great, easy way to start your day because it gives you the proper fiber, good complex carbs, protein

Laura Flynn Endres
Aug 15, 20203 min read
SNACK ATTACKS HAPPEN. Top 5 Strategies to Handle Those Cravings
we’ve discovered several mindset and habit hacks that help us improve our snack game. Here are 5 favorites.

Laura Flynn Endres
Jul 14, 20205 min read
What Workouts are Best for Losing Weight?
When we say we want to lose weight, we mostly mean we want to lose fat. We first need to understand how our bodies use and store fat.

Laura Flynn Endres
May 20, 20202 min read
Here’s How You’re Wrong About Meal Prep
Planning and prepping meals ahead of time is one of the best habits to form when you want to improve your nutrition. So why don't we do it?

Laura Flynn Endres
Apr 29, 20204 min read
What Should I Eat to Lose Weight?
Some players are moderators - that means they like to make small changes, tackle one thing at a time. Others are abstainers - these are the
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