Online Team Fitness Game
The next game is coming soon!
Play the online team fitness game that makes getting fit done easy and fun!
Team up, set goals, and score points for doing
the things you know you should do - but don't.
How it Works
Form a team of 2-8 players. Choose daily goals for the 5 habits.
Earn points every day for your team when you complete your habits.
At the end of the 10-week game, the team with the most points wins!
Earn points for exercising for 30+ minutes!
You can do my workouts or do your own!
100% your choice.
Earn points for meeting your nutrition goals!
There are 3 Levels to choose from, from flexible to strict. The game's nutrition plan works for all eating styles!
Earn points for drinking water!
2 levels to choose from!
Earn points for participating in the Facebook group!
Accountability is key, so checking in earns you points!
Even better, humor is encouraged because laughter is is good for you!
Earn points for practicing an extra habit of your choice!
It can be anything!
Oooh, but you don't only do things to get points..... there are also ways you can incur PENALTIES!
(Think excess alcohol and junky snacks.)
It's a game, ya'll! That's what makes Get Fit Done different from all the other challenges!
There are points and penalties and multiple opportunities to win bonus points too!
So while you're crushing the habits and strategizing with teammates and laughing at some of the pop-up challenges that appear at random, a really super awesome thing is happening....
Getting Fit Done!
"Get Fit Done was way more fun
than other fitness challenges! We got to be
silly and make jokes and goof around...
and we still got great results!"
"It was so helpful to be on a team.
I'd normally slack, but I didn't want to
let my teammates down!"
"I lost the game... but also 5 pounds!
So, winning! Haha!"
The game harnesses the power of
social connection, teamwork,
friendly competition, and humor, making it shockingly easy and surprisingly fun to
The Game Is Casual But

"For me Get Fit Done is nothing short of a personal miracle. I've struggled with weight, nutrition & exercise my whole life & have never been successful. This is literally the first time I have been able to follow a program and stick with it.
I lost 11 pounds & 8.5 total inches with ease, and I gained a huge, new feeling of, 'I can do this!' I could not be more pleased.”

"This entire game is so well-designed it makes progress possible no matter what your beginning level of fitness!
After playing 3 times, I am totally hooked."

"I have tried a LOT of different fitness programs, and this has been the best by far.
Why? It's a GAME!
Yay for getting points!
I honestly love this game and think the idea is genius."

"I love Laura's game. If you play, your income will skyrocket and your sex appeal will go through the roof! It's just the right amount of competition to keep me interested and motivated.
Get Fit Done
keeps your shit tight."

- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE
- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE
- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE
- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE
- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE
- Starts Jan 8, 2024ONLINE